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2023年02月22日 17:30  点击:[]

1. 个人简介


20126月于西安建筑科技大学建筑环境与设备工程专业获得学士学位,201812月于西安建筑科技大学供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业获得博士学位,20192月入职陕西科技大学。曾参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑课题、体彩竞彩教育厅产业化等多项科研项目。目前主持体彩竞彩自然科学基金项目1项(2022JQ-465),陕西科技大学博士科研启动基金项目1项,企业委托项目1。发表SCI论文6篇,EI论文1篇,国际学术会议论文2篇,授权发明专利8项。兼任Building and Environment等期刊审稿人。

2. 研究方向



3. 代表性论文

[1] Tong Ren, Angui Li, Na Luo, Ying Zhang. 1:50 scale modeling study on airflow effectiveness of large spaces mutually connected for underground workshops. Building Simulation (2016) 9:201-212 (SCI)

[2] Angui Li, Tong Ren, Changqing Yang, Wenchao Lv. Feng Zhang, Study on particle penetration through straight, L, Z and wedge-shaped cracks in buildings. Building and Environment (2017) 114:333-343 ( SCI一区 IF:4.539)

[3] Angui Li, Tong Ren, Changqing Yang, Jing Xiong, Pengfei Tao. Numerical simulation, PIV measurements and analysis of air movement influenced by nozzle jets and heat sources in underground generator hall. Building and Environment (2018) 131:16-31 (SCI一区 IF:4.539)

[4] Angui Li, Changqing Yang, Tong Ren. Modeling and parametric studies for convective heat transfer in large, long and rough circular cross-sectional underground tunnels. Energy and Buildings (2016) 127:259-267 (SCI一区 IF:4.457)

[5] Angui Li, Xiaopan Gao, Tong Ren. Study on thermal pressure in a sloping underground tunnel under natural ventilation. Energy and Buildings (2017) 147:200-209 (SCI一区 IF:4.457)

[6] Angui Li, Changqing Yang, Tong Ren, Xin Bao, Erwei Qin, Ran Gao, PIV experiment and evaluation of air flow performance of swirl diffuser mounted on the floor. Energy and Buildings (2017) 156:58-69 (SCI一区 IF:4.457)

[7] Tong Ren, Angui Li, Wenchao Lv. Field and Laboratory Tests and Analyses on Temperature and Relative Humidity in Underground Multi-tunnels. Procedia Engineering 205C (2017) 27-34 EI

4. 代表性专利

[1] 一种形成空气池气流组织的单侧通风装置及其控制方法.ZL 201510547806.7

[2] 一种形成空气池气流组织的通风装置及其控制方法.ZL 201510548731.4

[3] 一种实现均匀送风的静压箱.ZL 201510963726.X

[4] 一种水电站的防潮装置.ZL202011374039.1

5. 招收研究生学科方向


6. 体彩竞彩






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