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2018年03月20日 14:28  点击:[]


刘延辉,男,河南洛阳人,副教授,工学博士,硕士生导师。2017年毕业于西北工业大学,获工学博士学位。现在体彩竞彩材料加工工程系从事教学科研工作。以第一作者在国内外期刊先后发表学术论文十余篇,其中9篇为SCI收录,影响因子之和达到30,3篇为EI收录。发表于《体彩竞彩》上的论文被评选为杂志封面。发表论文共被引用60多次,单篇最高被引用22次。受邀担任国际期刊Journal of Alloys and Compound、Materials and Design和Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China的审稿人。2017年遴选为陕西科技大学“青年拔尖人才”,主持陕西科技大学引进人才博士科研启动基金一项(No: 2017BJ-41)、陕西科技大学引进人才平台建设基金一项(No: 134080033)。作为主要参与者,参与并完成国家自然科学基金、博士后基金和人社部“香江学者”计划多个课题的研究。


主要从事高温合金、钛合金等航空航天材料锻造过程中微观组织形态演变机理以及性能调控技术研究。主要研究方向:1. 高温变形过程微观组织演变及控制 2. 难变形金属材料塑性变形机理 3. 锻造技术与模具设计。


1. Liu, Y. H.;YaoZ. k.; Ning, Y. Q.; Nan, Y. Journal of Alloys and Compound. Effect of deformation temperature and strain rate on dynamic recrystallized grain size of a powder metallurgical nickel-based superalloy. 2017, 691, 554-563

2. Liu Yanhui, Ning, Y. Q.;Yao Z. k.; Li, H.; Miao, X. P.; Li Y. Z.; Zhao, Z. L. Journal of Alloys and Compound. Plastic deformation and dynamic recrystallization of a powder metallurgical nickel-based superalloy. 2016, 675, 73-80

3. Liu, Y. H.;Ning, Y. Q.;Yang,X. M.; Yao Z. k.; Guo, H. Z. Materials and Design. Effect of temperature and strain rate on the workability of FGH4096 superalloy in hot deformation. 2016, 95: 669-676

4. Liu, Y. H.;Ning, Y. Q.;Yao Z. k.; Li Y. Z.; Zhang J. L.; Fu, M. W. Journal of Materials Research. Dynamic recrystallization and microstructure evolution of a powder metallurgy nickel-based superalloy under hot working. 2016, 14, 2164-2172

5. Liu, Y. H.; Yao Z. k.; Ning, Y. Q.;Nan, Y.; Zhao Z. L. Journal of Alloys and Compound. Characterization of hot deformation behavior and processing map of FGH4096–GH4133B dual alloys. 2015, 633, 505-515

6. Liu, Y. H.; Ning, Y. Q.;Yao Z. k.; Guo, H. Z., Nan, Y.;. Journal of Alloys and Compound. Effect of true strains on processing map for isothermal compression of Ni–20.0Cr–2.5Ti–1.5Nb–1.0Al Ni-base superalloy. 2014, 612, 56-63

7. Liu, Y. H.; Ning, Y. Q.;Yao Z. k.; Guo, H. Z.. Journal of Alloys and Compound. Hot deformation behavior of Ti–6.0Al–7.0Nb biomedical alloy by using processing map. 2014, 587, 183-189

8. Liu Yanhui, Yao Z. k.; Ning, Y. Q.;Nan, Y.;, Guo, H. Z.. Materials and Design. The flow behavior and constitutive equation in isothermal compression of FGH4096-GH4133B dual alloy. 2014, 63, 829-837

9. Liu, Y. H.; Ning, Y. Q.;Yao Z. k.; Fu, M. W. Materials and Design. Hot deformation behavior of the 1.15C–4.00Cr–3.00V–6.00W–5.00Mo powder metallurgy high speed steel. 2014, 54, 854-863








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